Our Information and Regulation System

The autonomic nervous system is man’s basic regulation system. Basic functions – breathing, metabolic processes, cardio-vascular system, digestive system, hormone system are controlled autonomously, i.e. largely independent from consciousness and will.

The basic health state of any living organism is the integrity and stability of its internal environment. To maintain this state, the organism is equipped with systems that constantly check the stability of this internal environment and correct any deviation. That means the body’sinformation and regulation system (bio cybernetic system) is constantly collecting and evaluating data on important parameters of the internal environment and making the required corrections. In addition, it is necessary to collect and evaluate all information on the external environment, and to initiate responses as required. Each second a multitude of data on the internal and external environments must be collected and processed, to enable the correction of any disorder and threat to the integrity and stability of the biological system. A prerequisite for a balanced system is that the ‘right’ data is being processed.

To live is to respond to impulses while maintaining the internal stability of the ‘total organism’.

This means: the objective is to achieve a continuous stable balance of the internal environment, i.e. a dynamic homeostasis as the basic condition of life and health. The internal logistical structure of the body’s information and regulation system is key, as the system ensures the main functions of the living organism and any serious error can result in a life-threatening condition. For that reason, the system’s structures usually exist in duplicate. The system is organized strictly hierarchically - from the lowest level (molecular, intracellular level) through higher levels (cellular and intercellular communication, tissue, and organs) to the highest central level, with each level having its own control mechanisms.

The activation of the control mechanisms depend on the functional state of the organism.

Regulation systems as Functional systems

We differentiate three activity levels of the regulation systems:

  1. Control (Controlled)
  2. Regulation (Regulation)
  3. Monitoring (Steering)

In the standard state with the regulated (monitored) system functioning in normal mode without additional burdens (encumbrance), the regulation mechanism has only monitoring functions. In case of additional internal or external impulses (e.g. burdens), the regulation mechanism is stepped up to a higher operation mode with increased energy consumption. The corresponding fluid canals and nerve structures enable the mobilization of the additional resources required. If the regulation mechanism’s own reserves are not sufficient, higher regulation levels need to be integrated into the control process which ultimately triggers the mobilization of the functional reserves of all systems of the organism.

It is understandable that (under normal circumstances) the system has to function largely independently from the person’s will as consciousness and will can result in incorrect evaluations and thus might endanger vital functions. The main players in this complex regulation system are two interacting subsystems: the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis system (HPA).

Fight or Flight – Survival Strategies of the Regulation System

The original purpose of this complex regulation process clearly shows its importance for the survival strategy of the biological individual. If an animal or man living in the wilderness perceives an external danger (e.g. a predator), the regulation system has to switch the biological system to an emergency program. The basis of the alarm response is nervous and hormonal mechanisms that trigger the alarm and prepare the organism for the ancient Fight-or-Flight response. All subsystems involved must be activated, whereas any subsystems that are not required for this (digestive system, immune system etc.) must be minimized (standby).

It is only the efficient channelling and rationing of internal resources (energy) that enables the biological system to survive Fight or Flight.

The regulation system forms a so-called functional system geared to the task at hand. This is the response of the activated sympathetic part of the autonomous nervous system (ANS) followed by the activation of the adrenal medulla which releases adrenalin and noradrenalin. The sympathetic-adrenal response triggers an increase of blood pressure and heart rate in order to ensure a better supply of energy and oxygen to the organs actively involved in Fight or Flight. In order to cover the higher energy demand to be expected, glucose from the liver is activated and fat reserves are mobilized. The activation of the ant diuretic hormone (ADH) reduces urine production thus saving water and increasing blood pressure.

The individual regulative consequences of stress responses are endless; the decisive factor is that following the Fight or Flight response, all parameters return to their original level. In today’s ’civilized society’ this ancient stress response is no longer adequate.

However many external events (business stress, fight with partner etc.) continue to trigger this response, which is not only useless but even pathogenic for civilized man as the Fight or Flight activity that would normalize the parameters usually does not take place.

Thus stress becomes a risk factor that causes or worsens so-called stress diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attack and coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and diabetes type II.

Continuous or highly repetitive external impulses can lead to chronic stress responses.

These are important adaptations of the nervous and the hormone systems that make survival under these ’unnatural conditions’ possible. The adrenocorticotrophous hormone (ACTH) is released by the pituitary gland. ACTH triggers a Cortisol release from the adrenal cortex and (in case of an extended stimulus) hypertrophy of the adrenal cortex.

Cortisol is responsible for activating long-term energy and food reserves. In the brain, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is over activated at the same time.

An adaptation syndrome occurs. Protein production, especially in the immune system, is reduced. Fat reserves are developed to provide sufficient energy reserves. The ’chronic activation’ of the sympatric-adrenergic system causes a long-term inhibition of the parasympathetic nervous system, i.e. anabolic and reconstructive processes (muscle regeneration, reconstruction of destroyed cells and tissue) are "blocked". Continued stress leads to the exhaustion of the regulation-adaptation system, which in extreme situations can have disastrous consequences. Blockades keep building up and affect the system. The only remedy would be adequate rest periods.

Importance of the Regulation System

Considering the enormous importance of the fundamental regulation system, one wonders what parameters would allow statements about the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Biochemical analysis of blood parameters (adrenalin, noradrenalin, Cortisol) are not very feasible, nor are constriction or dilation of the iris or the analysis of sweat secretion. Various clinical tests such as Valsalvatest test, Ashner test, active orthostatic test etc. provide only semi-quantitative results.

What method would allow a precise analysis of the state of the body’s information and regulation system, with time and cost being kept to a minimum?

The ’body’s information and regulation system’ inevitably comes into focus as it is a very sensitive indicator of all changes in the autonomic nervous system. The change of the information and regulation system is a universal response of the total organism to internal and external factors.

The corresponding parameters clearly describe the energy status of a person and are as unique as a fingerprint. They portray all blockades and (mis)information that affect the system. One example of traditional analyses is heart frequency, which however only reflects the ’final effect’ of the numerous regulation actions on the cardio-vascular system. The autonomic regulation state of two persons with the same average heart frequency can be quite different.

The same average heart frequency can correspond to different activity combinations of the chain links of the system controlling autonomic homeostasis. The PSP analysis (today REGU-IMMUN-THERAPY) according to ALLERGIE-IMMUN provides a much more in-depth and above all individual view of the system behaviour.

Changes in the System

How does the system behave in case of an extreme increase of external and internal impulses? The cybernetic system first attempts to maintain homeostasis at a low level by increasing the activity (of this level).

If this fails, higher regulation levels are activated. Blockades of the cybernetic system that require the activation of higher regulation levels result in a reduction of the respiratory component of the sinus arrhythmia and to an increase of the non-respiratory components and at the same time to an increased energy demand. Thus constant fatigue already indicates a bioenergetic blockade.

The general rule is:

The higher the regulation system level involved, the lower the activity of the lower regulation system level. I.e. any activity on a higher level reduces activity on the lower level, the organs being on the lowest level.

The decrease in respiratory volume is reduced as the involvement of the central level in regulation increases (central regulation). The autonomous (low-level) contour is the contour of parasympathetic regulation. The activation of (higher-level) central parts of regulation is characterized by the activity increase of the sympathetic nervous system.

Analysis of State of Basic Regulation System

Numerous parameters of the PSP Analysis allow an individual analysis of the state of the basic regulation system. The value (disorder of fluid balance) for example shows flexibility with respect to the following subsystems:

  • Cardio-vascular system,
  • Excretion system,
  • Excretion system,
  • Peripheral system,
  • As well as intestinal system.

Other important indicators relate to the energy supply system. Here we get values relating to the following areas

  • Primary area
  • Secondary area
  • Intestinal system

These indicators allow conclusions on the evaluation capacity of the regulation system.

In addition, indicators on the energy flow resistance and information flow smoothing at the synaptic gap provide important information about the regulation system.

Dysfunction caused by recalculating, ’fleeing’ or ’retained ’ heavy metals and harmful substances are further hints, to name but a few parameters. Allergic reactions of the system can result for example from mis-information regarding certain molecules under No. 6.1 etc (see our analysis).

At the same time, many other parameters enable early identification of changes in the organism’s system behaviour through the cybernetic system analysis, the PSP diagnosis.

In the last years conventional Western medicine has made major progress in the areas of acute and emergency medicine, transplantation medicine and special surgical methods; however, it is indisputable that little or no progress has been made in the diagnosis and therapy of chronic disease and autonomic disorders, although "chronic disease" and so-called "autonomic syndromes" are an increasing focus in doctors’ offices and hospitals. Why? The diagnosis and therapy of Western medicine continues to be based on the ’classical’ morphological disease model. This is not changed by new areas such as cellular pathology, molecular biology and genetics. These "immobile ideas" and "thinking model" are based on the knowledge and world view of 19th century physics.

However, physics as a basic science has fundamentally changed and with it the entire world views of our century. The precise demarcation between matter and energy has dissolved; in the area of so-called dead matter, manifestations have been discovered that according to earlier beliefs are only attributable to the spirit.

Based on the works of N. Wiener Information was postulated as the third property of the universe and included in the modern word view. Cybernetics and system theory are mainly based on "informational processes ". While the development has changed even the humanities, medicine has remained largely unaffected.

In view of the fact that in Western civilization the fight-or-flight response of the biological system triggers inadequate regulation / control processes that initiate or worsen numerous chronic diseases (hypertension, arteriosclerosis, diabetes type II etc.), cybernetic system analysis is of key importance. Another example to be mentioned here are allergies that are the result of completely wrong approaches in medicine. The cause of allergic responses is still thought to be external - a fatal mistake as allergy statistics constantly show. The situation with chronic disease patterns is similar.

The diagnostic system of the PSP-Analysis enables a portrayal of the energetic disturbing factors. The advantage of this method consists not only in the continued quantitative and qualitative logging of the state of the ‘bioenergetic regulation system (BRS), but also in the early diagnosis of changes in the organism’s system behaviour.

Thus indicators of pathological processes or existing dysfunctions can be obtained very early, enabling us to choose an early energetic intervention, even before clinical symptoms or lab diagnostics make the patient aware of a dysfunction or disease; after all disorders of any kind are always energetic disturbances caused by the REGU-IMMUNE-therapy just as good can be corrected.

Your evaluation clearly shows that your bio cybernetic system is overloaded. It will not be possible to figure out the exact cause, as the bio cybernetic regulation system is a dynamic system that constantly changes, as the above explanations show.

At the moment we assume that in most cases we are dealing with "inherited information" that has been passed on through many generations. As inherited information does not constitute a mistake for the system in the next generation, the system responds correctly as it does not know the original rule. The response of the system itself is normal. Thus the system has developed in a wrong direction.

The decisive factor is that energetic blockades can be identified in many areas of the system. It is important to achieve the removal of these blockades and thus a balanced system.

Imagine that there are many switches in the system that can be in the right or the wrong position. If you react to a certain molecule (e.g. in wheat), this only means that this switch is in the wrong position and causes the system to respond to an enemy. If the switch position is corrected by de- and re-programming the system, this molecule is no longer identified as an enemy and the reaction should off.

However, not all mistakes in the system have been caused by incorrect information. These rather tend to be the causes, however over time mis-interpretations have developed. Heavy metals and harmful substances for example sometimes cannot be correctly identified and marked for excretion. As a result such substances are deposited in the body.

To correct the direction of your system, we recommend the PSP therapy to correct these problems by de- and re-programming the mis-information and incorrect interpretations.